
words people search for 2021


We live in a world where information is at the tip of our fingers. We search for literally everything under the sky. But there are some terms according to Semrush and Google Trends that are searched by millions of people around the world every day and here are some of the most searched terms in the world.

Fox News

The first on our list is Fox News, you know a lot of us can not go a day without knowing what the day holds. We want to keep up with our favourite celebrities, politicians and catch up with the happenings around us.

So far in 2021, the term Fox News has been searched over 30 million times. This shows that we are not only social beings but we are naturally inquisitive as well.


With some countries still in lockdown and those out of it, This clothing line’s website happens to be the place we run to escape from our current realities. We see new lines of products and experience the thrill that comes with buying cheap new clothes. Learning new clothing lingo and DIYs have never been this easy with the coming of Shein.

This year alone, Shein has been searched over 55 million times.


Who doesn’t like window shopping, I know I do. It’s said that so many people buy on impulse every time they go on amazon, they come across items through beautiful but are unnecessary and with the rise of fast fashion, these items end up in landfills because their owners have moved on to the latest trend.


A quick search will reveal what the weather forecast for the day is all about and this is because we want to know if there is a possibility of rain falling or if the day will be sunny. 


With the rise of remote jobs, thanks to Covid19, correspondences using Gmail is on the increase. But it is not only official messages that are sent but some people also use this channel of communication to talk to their loved ones.

Google Translate

With the opening of borders, a lot of people are on the move. Vacations and trips that were called off last year are been revisited. In moving from one place to the other, we have to communicate and most times, we use google translate to express our thoughts and pass our message across.

Live Score

With so many people making use of betting apps and having little time to watch live football. Clicking on live scores is the closest they can get to experience the excitement that comes from knowing your favourite club is winning and you are also making money.

Food Near Me

I got bored with eating my own food as a result of the lockdown and when it was safe to order food, I was so excited. I know other people felt the same way too because the term food near me has been searched over 30 million times in the world this year alone.

Google Maps

We are on the move and to be sure of where we are going, we need directions a lot. that is where google map comes in. We receive prompts just with the click of a button.

Kim Kardashian

You know, this list will not be complete without this woman. Her family has kept us entertained for decades and it seems we can’t get enough of them. This lady has used social media to influence most of our thought patterns and buying decisions, her page on Instagram is a place most of us go to.

There you have it, the ten most searched terms in the world in 2021.