


What are the most effective exercises to get rid of pot belly? If you have a pot belly (as lots of men do) you are probably looking for a way to get the damn thing down.

First you have to realise there are no shortcuts to getting rid of pot belly. It will require work and some dedication but we are sure you will feel they were worth it when you attain that flat tummy.

Pot bellies can be caused by a variety of reasons. Some people have weak stomach muscles and can bloat easily even when they do not consume too much food. Sometimes it can be caused by lifestyle choices, drinking too much beer and very little or no exercise.

You should however note that reducing pot belly will not happen based only on exercises, you will have to also make lifestyle adjustments on what you eat and how much you eat to complement the exercises. Then you will see some very good results.

1. Weight Training

A study showed that healthy men who practiced 20 minutes of weight training daily had a lower increase in age-related abdominal fat in comparison with men who performed aerobic exercises for the same amount of time.

Start with lifting appropriate weights and increasing as your strength builds. Weight training is most effective when done 2–3 times a week per muscle group with 8–12 repetitions. It is always recommended to seek the guidance of an experienced trainer if you are a beginner.

2. Core Exercises

There are several core exercises that will help with reducing belly fat. Here are some basic, effective ones to start with.

Mountain Climbing

The mountain climber exercise helps with toning up your abdominal muscles, as well as burning extra calories. Here’s how to do it;

  1. Face the floor in a push-up position with your palms flat on the floor, shoulder-length apart.
  2. Hold yourself with your arms outstretched and back flat.
  3. Bring one knee to your chest and then return it to its previous position. That’s one repetition.
  4. Repeat the steps on the other leg.
  5. Do 3 sets of 10–20 repetitions per leg.

Depending on your current level, you can perform this exercise 3–4 times a week.

Basic Crunches

Crunches are very easy to do, and you have plenty of variations to choose from. They are a great basic exercise for a beginner to build up the core muscles.  Here are some directions on crunches you can do.

  1. Lay down with your back flat on the floor.
  2. Raise your legs off the floor and bend them to a 90° angle.
  3. Place your hands by your ears, but do not clasp them together behind your head.
  4. Bracing your abdominal muscles, lift your head and upper back from the floor and hold for 2–3 seconds.
  5. Repeat for the reps desired, starting with 3 sets of 10–12 repetitions.

You can do this exercise 3-4 times a week

Bicycle Crunches

The Bicycle crunch targets the rectus abdominis and obliques and is a good variation of the traditional crunch.

Here’s how to do the Bicycle crunch

  1. Similar to the basic crunch, you start in the crunch position but with the legs straight.
  2. Lift your head and upper back.
  3. Bring one knee up to the chest, and reach the opposite side elbow to the knee.
  4. Lower the knee and elbow back to the starting position and repeat on the opposite sides. Focus on slow movement, rather than trying to complete it as fast as possible.
  5. Repeat for 10–12 reps each side for 3 sets.

You can do this 3-4 times a week

3. Yoga Poses

There are yoga exercises that help with tightening the flesh and muscle in the stomach area. Asides helping eliminate excessive abdominal fat they also have other significant benefits: increased flexibility.

Chair Pose (Utkatasana)

The Chair pose helps strengthen not only your abdominal muscles but also your legs and arms. It is an isometric exercise, which means you hold the position for several seconds without moving.

Standing Forward Bend (Padahastasana)

The forward bend helps with stubborn belly fat. With the forward bend yoga pose there is complete compression of the abdominal area occurs, leading to fat burning in the tummy and waistline area.

What to do to Complement Your Exercise and Reduce Belly Fat Faster

  • Eat more of vegetables, fruits and lean proteins
  • Limit your consumption of processed foods
  • Sleep enough
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day
  • Watch the portion of food you eat

Recommended: Check out more life improvement articles such as How to Overcome Shyness and Embrace Talking to People


It is common sense that if you want to be rich you should listen to rich guys. There is always a lot to learn from millionaires and billionaires who have made their own wealth.

We have put together some simple and relevant advice from a few billionaires on how to improve your finances, earn/make more, save more.

  1. Buy in Bulk – Mark Cuban

“It’s so hard to make a return on regular investments that […] you’re better off buying two years’ worth of toothpaste when it’s on a 50% discount. There’s an immediate return on your money. That’s real savings that you get to put in your pocket.”

2. Find your passion, find something you believe in – Oprah Winfrey

“You become what you believe. You are where you are today in your life based on everything you have believed.”

3. Be a Cheap Bastard, Save! – Chris Sacca

Don’t spend your money! Instead, he advises you to pinch your pennies and have your priorities in order for the long haul. “Being a cheap bastard now means so much more freedom and choices later,”

4. Have a Lifeboat – Reid Hoffman

You have Plan A, which is a your current plan, the business you’re trying to launch or the job you’re working at. It’s your plan to move up in the world.

Then you have a Plan B, your backup plan; it’s what you’ll switch to if you get out of Plan A. Maybe your Plan B is a side project you’ve been working on, or other jobs you’re thinking of applying for. But your Plan B should be flexible. You should be open to pursuing multiple opportunities or having a variety of backup plans should your Plan A fall through.

5. Have an Emergency Fund Set Aside – John Paul Dejoria

“Before investing or starting a company, make sure you have enough money saved for at least six  months to pay bills or anything else that might come up financially,”

6. Understand that Entrepreneurship is a High Risk Path – Dustin Moskovitz

Entrepreneurs often work long, grueling hours and there’s very little glamour to it, he said. According to Moskovitz, a surer path to wealth is joining a later-stage company and helping them grow it. You’ll have a better chance of getting a high salary and achieving financial stability.


There will always continue to be the argument on whether college or university prepares the average individual for success in the real world.

Of course college has its uses. There is abundant theoritical knowledge on almost any discipline you can think of. Still I hardly know of any successful fellow who made success based only on what he/she learnt at the university. There are many things college doesn’t prepare you for;

1. Networking: Funny how our universities do not deem it fit to develop a very practical curriculum on interpersonal relationships and networking. The benefits for the average graduate will be enormous. Many leave college still shy and unable to connect effectively with people that will link them faster to their ambitions. If you’ve been to a typical Nigerian higher institution you will have enough academic workload on your hands that you may really not have time to learn the skills that matter later in life (networking included).

Joining clubs with focus and involving in students unionism all helped me learn how to relate and meet up with people but it wasn’t easy. You did all that at your own peril or risk. So what it means is that to learn people skills you have to mix and interact, rack up meaningful relationships especially with people higher up the ladder than yourself. If the colleges would teach that most of our young people will have a tool that will serve them well in business and career.

2. Selling: Have you noticed how many graduates have the phobia for selling anything even themselves. In the past two years I had interviewed quite a lot of graduates for positions within my new company and found one alarming thing; All of them didn’t want to be put where they’ll have to sell anything to anyone or convince anyone to buy anything.

How the hell are you expecting to be paid if you don’t want to sell. All companies make money by selling something and those who are willing and prove to the company that they can sell and pull in the profits have an edge over any others any time any day. I watched appalled as all of the job seekers I interviewed dodged from any marketing or sales related job. Everybody wanted to be in the office pushing papers and generally doing nothing. We had enough office staff but very little marketing guys who could help double or triple revenue. It was not acceptable.

How do our universities not teach students how to sell. Selling is vastly important.

– When seeking a contract you sell yourself and your company to the client
– You sell yourself to the Interviewer, trying to convince him to hire you
– You sell yourself to investors asking them to invest in your startup or idea
– You sell yourself to that pretty girl you met in the banking hall because you want to date her
– You sell yourself to your boss at that’s why you always want to impress and get that raise or promotion you need so badly.

All we do everyday is sell, sell and sell some more.

How better we will be if our colleges and universities can teach us how to do that.

3. Fundraising: Getting funded is one of the biggest challenges to small and medium scale businesses and tech startups in Nigeria. The funds sit in bank vaults but are extremely difficult to get hold of. I wish I had a course (something like Funding 312) when I was in college probably taught by an established businessman who had to raise his own funds and not by a white haired, stooping professor of Business Administration whose only experience in running a business was at age 9 when he helped his mum sell groceries.

If experienced business gurus and CEOs were to hold fundraising and capital sourcing classes at least one semester for each student many graduates would have had it easier going into business for themselves and giving birth to the ideas that run riot in their minds.

4. Money Management: Yes, we made money while in school or at least I made money in school but then I spent it as fast as it came sometimes even faster so I had to be in debt some of the time. A class in practical money management (not the lame financial management classes taught by lecturers that were even broke as they taught) would have done me and lots of others a world of good.

Sometimes you don’t need millions to start a business and grow it big. If you were taught how to bootstrap and form a lean business that will go on to make you serious money I bet you would have been further on the road than where you are right now. Same as myself. But pity we had to learn the lessons ourselves the hard way.

5. Rejection: Does our colleges teach one how to handle rejection and not be bogged down by it. It matters because you are going to be rejected many times in your life before you get that ‘Yes” that makes all the difference.

Look at what college doesn’t teach you about rejection;

– That girl you had a serious crush for rejects you, how do you handle it?
– They don’t teach you what to do when your job application gets rejected 25 times?
– Do they teach you what to do when 12 banks and 5 private investors turn down your request for funding?
– Do they teach you how to handle the rejection of two investors on whom you had all your hope for funding your Startup company?

I could go on and on. These are things that matter and everyday many young bright people get discouraged by several rejections. Wouldn’t it be nice if they taught you in college how to prepare for and handle rejection.

6. Failure: The University/college is probably the worst place to learn about failure. There they treat failure like a plague. If you fail it seems you have done something terrible. Assuming you were an A student and suddenly you failed 2 courses. Classmates and friends would keep discussing it. How did he fail? That guy afterall, doesn’t know as much as we thought?

That is why many students cheat. They are so afraid to fail that even after they leave school they can’t work on actualising their ideas because they are afraid of failing. They are scared of what their parents, friends, relatives will say if their first business failed.

They are scared of hearing things like,”I warned you to get a job, Now see how useless you are,” “You threw the whole money away, punk head!” “You are good for nothing, go get a job”

Wouldn’t it be nice if the college system was changed so that failure doesn’t become an anathema but something to learn from and progress. What if colleges focus on helping students handle failure instead of creating entities that end up so afraid to even give a speech for fear of failure.

7. Creativity: In college, I hated it when a lecturer in one of my engineering classes insisted on having us solve his problems in a particuar way. One other man gave you questions to which you must write the answers as exactly as it was in his notes. They simply did all they could to turn us to robots.

The lack of creativity in our schools is scary. And I guess we are paying for it with the quality of graduates that come into the labour market every year.

If you have ever interviewed graduate job seekers you will understand why there is an urgent need to revitalise our colleges and universities.

8. Managing Others: Management is a course in most colleges but that is not what I mean. If we were taught how to get people around us to work in harmony towards achieving a common goal we would have had a better head start in business and life generally. Management of people is an important skill we should have been taught in college but unfortunately we were just taught theoritical management principles and jargons that really do not equip one for the real world out there where the struggle can get rough and everybody is inherently selfish.

If these eight things were taught in college many more people would have been better prepared for business and career success.

If you are running a new business (with most likely very limited funds) the success of your first few hires will play an important role on the speed at which your young startup business progresses.
Big companies and businesses are always on the lookout for great talented workers and the reality for a young and inexperienced business entrepreneur is that he/she will have to battle with the bigger companies for the available talents in the job market.

To develop a smart recruitment strategy for your young company you have to be aware of the challenges you face in your bid to get in quality staff and team members.

Do You Have the Finance to Be Competitive Enough?

While it may not take much to hire for such positions as receptionist, clerk, personal assistant etc the fact remains that for your young company to grow faster and produce better products and services you will eventually need to hire star quality performers in such areas as programming/design, engineering, business development etc and you will find it very difficult to hire the super performers your company needs at low cost.

Unless you come across a generous investor at the early stages of starting your company chances are that you may not have the resources to offer the sort of wages to attract real top talents to your startup. That is a problem you should be aware of. Still you will not be doing your company any good by settling for low quality workers that you can pay little.

Does Your Location Matter?

Previously as an up and coming inexperienced entrepreneur I never agreed that location was that important in today’s technological business environment. However when I started my first company a technology services firm in a town not known for harbouring great talent I had a firsthand experience on how difficult it can be to attract good employees who will be willing to leave their location to come work at a quiet, sleepy town. The town was and is still behind technologically.

In as much as I and my partner saw an opportunity there to bring in quality ICT services, break new ground and reap the rewards we soon discovered how difficult it was to get good lieutenants with the right skills to help us build the company. For our job adverts we mostly got people who lived far away from our business location. As a young, self funded company we didn’t have the funds to help them relocate or even pay the kind of wages they expected. While we received applications from some candidates who lived in the town they were not of the quality we wanted and lacked many of the skills and experience we were looking for.

These and some others are the questions you must consider if you are intending to hire and grow your business as quickly as possible.

How Then Can You Increase Your Chances of Hiring Great People Even With the Limited Funds Your Company Has

Recruiting is one of the toughest jobs of being an entrepreneur or founder. You either hire people who help your company/startup grow faster or you get people who slow down your company’s progress or even, at the extreme, halt it.
Here’s how you can make sure your recruitment of your first few employees becomes a success;

Get a Clear Picture of Who and What You Want

Before you ever put out word or place any advert for vacancy be sure to sit with your team or partner and write down who and what exactly you are hiring

For instance as a small company you might need a receptionist who will also double as customer assistant and answer calls from customers. You will have to decide what exact position or job title you will be putting out. Remember that a job title can give a perceived bigger or lower value to the prospective employee and thus affect the expectations they will have of you as the employer including salary demands. Once when we wanted to hire a front desk officer who would also act as secretary we advertised a job title that somehow gave candidates the impression that the job would pay more than it actually was. As a result we got mostly overqualified applicants who we couldn’t pay.

A job title conveys the importance the prospective employer attaches to the job. Some titles will attract under qualified persons while certain titles will draw the attention of the kind of people you need.

Be Clear as Possible on the Requirements and Responsibilities

It is very often that I see entrepreneurs putting out job adverts that do not have clear eligibility requirements. Very scant summary of requirements might attract applications from very unqualified candidates. On the other hand putting out very high and sophisticated requirements will scare away some good candidates you might have got otherwise. The key is to strike a balance between the ideal candidate descriptions you wish for and the average qualifications and requirements you need to get a good, if not star employee.

Advertise Creatively

Creative job advertising is a blend of online and offline non-conventional methods. To get the word out there about your job positions you may place your jobs in proven job sites to get the needed exposure. Let colleagues and associates be aware that you are hiring. If your company has a facebook and twitter account be sure to share the information on the vacancies open in your company. One good thing about these social media platforms is that users who read your information can easily share and retweet to their connections and help spread word about your vacancy.

Interviewing Prospective Candidates

One mistake most young entrepreneurs make is to assume they have read all they need to know about the job interviewing process. The truth is there is more to a job interview than just asking the right questions. You have also to watch out for the right signals from the prospective candidates. Most times a candidate’s attitude during interviews will tell you a whole lot more about them than their answers.

Some candidates will give you all the right answers they have been trained to provide during interview situations so you will need the ability to look beyond the answers and look at the characters of the persons you interview.