
companies with highest revenues


What does Amazon, Walmart and Google all have in common?

Apart from having white owners and all invested in technology products, they are one of the richest companies who churn out billionaires of dollars in revenue.

These companies did not achieve this status overnight. They started off in garages, parks and with just a desk before blossoming into becoming the leading companies in their field.

This article is about the twenty richest companies in the world, in no particular order.



Established by Sam Walton in 1962, Walmart is a retail American company which operates on a hypermarket scale. It sells a wide variety of merchandise (clothing, food items, beverages, pharmaceuticals, books, home supplies etc) through discount stores, super centers, neighborhood markets, as well as a robust online platform.

With over 10, 000 shops in 25 countries, its annual revenue is $542 billion.

China Petroleum & Chemical Corp. (Sinopec)

China Petroleum & Chemical corporation produces and distributes a variety of petroleum and petrochemical products ranging from diesel, gasoline, jet fuel, chemical fertilisers etc. The company also known as Sinopec is one of the largest petrochemical, oil and gas companies in the world.

It is controlled by the State Council of the People’s Republic of China. It has revenues of $355.8 billion.


Amazon, which started in a garage in 1994 is worth is currently worth $1.7 trillion and is owned by the world’s richest man, Jeff Bezos.

The company is an online marketplace where you can buy anything. With a revenue of $380 billion, it is the largest internet company in the world when it comes to revenue derived

Amazon has further launched into the entertainment sector with Amazon prime-a streaming platform and its purchase of Movie Company, Metro Goldwyn Meyer for $4 billion is seen as a bold move into the American movie industry.


Earlier this year, Apple was named the most valuable company in the world.

The company, which was founded by late Steve Jobs, Ronald Wayne and Steve Wozniack in 1976 have an annual revenue of $275billion.

The company started with producing desktop computers and has later moved into developing iPhones, Smartwatches, Smart TVs and the rest. In 2020, the company became the first company to have a 2 trillion market cap.

Over 500 Apple stores are dotted across the world and they employ over 1500,000 personnel.

United Health Group

With a market capital of $387 billion, the American insurance and health company has a revenue of $257 billion.

Berkshire Hathaway

Berkshire Hathaway was founded in 1839 as a textile company and gradually metamorphosed into conglomerate having investment in multiple other businesses such as food, insurance, media, sports etc.

Warren Buffet is the currently the CEO of the company and with a $650 billion market capital, it churns out a revenue of $245 billion.

JP Morgan

JP Morgan is not just one of the oldest banks in North America, it is also the largest in America and the fourth largest in the global community.

Established in 1871 by JP Morgan, it currently has a revenue of $200 billion.

Its market is $471 Billion.

Toyota Motor Corp.

Toyota is a Japanese automobile manufacturer that produces and sells cars, buses, trucks as well as vehicle parts and equipment. The manufacturing giant has a revenue of $246 billion with a net income of $14.4 billion.


The South Korean company, which was founded in 1969, is into electronic products and has a presence in 80 countries.

Its revenue is around $210 billion and market capital is $441 billion.

Saudi Aramco

Saudi Aramco is a Saudi Arabian based company that is into Oil and Gas. As a result of Saudi’s large oil reserves with over 300 barrels, it is a member of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting countries.

Saudi Aramco went public in 2019 and is regarded as the third most valuable company in the world and with a cap of over a trillion dollars, its revenue is around $240 billion.


Alphabet which is a subsidiary of Google was established in 1998 by Sergey Brin and Larry Page while still at Stanford University.

With a market capital of $1.9 billion, it made a revenue of $183 billion.

As part of its efforts to expand its business, the company, while using one of its subsidiaries Waymo, invested in Uber and recently launched Alphabets books, a platform where little children can have access to quality literacy lessons.


Microsoft, which is worth over $2 trillion is regarded as the second largest company in the world.

The company was founded by Paul Allen and Bill Gates in 1975 and they produce software for computers.

The operating system developed by the company which is known as Windows has brought huge profits and shot the company into global prominence.

Its estimated revenue is $147 billion and has over 200,000 workers.

The company recently unveiled ‘Microsoft Garage’, a safe space for remote workers to work effectively.

ALSO SEE – Wealthiest Churches and Religious Organisations in the World