


One of the requirement for driving a car anywhere in the word is to have a license. A license indicates that you are fit to drive a car without causing any harm to anyone be it motorist or pedestrians. In Nigeria, it is mandatory to have a driver’s license before taking your car out on the road. Failure to adhere to this rule attracts a fine from the authorities. And in Nigeria, you never can tell when you will be stopped by the appropriate authorities who will want to check if you have your license with you.

Furthermore, it is imperative you renew your license a month before the expiration date because there is no grace period for expiration. When you are caught driving your car after the expiration period, you will definitely be penalized.

In order to renew your license in Nigeria, follow these easy steps.

  • Log on to
  • Click on renew.
  • Complete the application form for renewal by entering your details which include name, date of birth and license number.
  • There is a section that will ask you if you want to recapture your bio metric information, click on NO.
  • Proceed to make the necessary payment online and print out the receipt for further referencing.
  • Proceed to pick the nearest Driver’s License Center that is closest to you for collection purpose.

Once you have been able to follow these steps and you have been able to get your license, you are free to drive your car anywhere. Remember to keep in mind when your driving license will next expire so that you can quickly renew it in order not to get fined or penalized.